June 26, 2024

When did the first scientific astronomical activity occur in Chile?

The first scientific astronomical activity in Chile occurred in 1849 with the arrival of James Melville Gillis to Santiago.

The American scientist installed the first observatory in Latin America on Cerro Santa Lucía. As a result of a decree issued by President Manuel Bulnes, three professors from the National Institute joined the team: José Ignacio Valdivia, Francisco Fierro Talavera and Gabriel Izquierdo.

The mission ended at the beginning of 1852, and one of its main results was the preparation of a catalog of stars located between the south pole and 30 degrees southern latitude.

The academic development of astronomy in Chile, meanwhile, formally began in 1965 with the creation of the Department of Astronomy of the University of Chile, dependent on the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Source: Chile Mobile Observatory - Marca Chile

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