April 18, 2024

From schools to universities: SpaceLab Chile

Bringing the Chilean citizens an advanced Education & Academic Methods based on space science.

The “SpaceLab Chile” program is part of Chile's National Space Program- SNSAT.. The SNSAT Program is an end-to-end solution for the development of space capabilities, providing various applications for both civil and defense purposes, and comprises a wide range of Satellites, AIT capabilities, state-of-the-art ground infrastructures, and comprehensive technology transfer.

This unique education program was operated in twenty Schools during 2022, throughout the length of Chile, and reached about 350 boys and girls in Junior high schools. As part of the program, the students were exposed to the field of space, as an inspirational tool, and they performed a variety of assignments that gave them knowledge and improved their individual capability and their twenty-first century skills..

The students experienced teamwork, coping with complex assignments, construction with structural engineering, the ability to carry out an individual or group investigation and presentation to an audience. All this took place at a national, culminative event, alongside activity in the classroom and the local community.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/spacelabchile2022/ 

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